Feb 28, 2018
MDTools® 770 Released

VEST, Inc. today released MDTools® 770.
Do more...    with Speed, Accuracy, Economy.

The best now gets better.
Manifold design engineers can now unleash "Power-to-Design" manifolds.

The enhancements include:

  • Design Checks: Locate Connection problems, Wall Thickness errors, and Broken Nets. Check Wall Thickness around Undercuts and Slots
  • Resize Block: Through Bolt Holes depth updates automatically
  • Move: Move Cavity with reference to another Cavity
  • O-ring Groove: O-ring Groove ID independent of the parent
  • Machining ID: New Machining ID Format i.e. A1, A2, B1, B2, B3…
  • Machining Chart: Set Precision for diameter. Display Cavities Location coordinates (X,Y) in separate columns. Specify Decimal Separator for Machining Chart
  • Orifice Plugs: Import Orifice Plugs from HyDraw. Assemble Orifice Plugs, Orifice Discs
  • Assemble Component: Autodesk Vault 2018 compatible
  • Miscellaneous: Preview while Adding Drill to a Cavity. Move Multiple Cavities using Scroll Bars
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