Wall Thickness Check
Check the Wall Thickness –Around all cavities, around selected cavities, and between selected cavities.
If the wall thickness between the cavities is less than the minimum required value specified, then wall thickness check will list in parenthesis, the actual wall thickness between the cavities next to the cavity name.
1. MDTools 965 > Wall Thickness Check
The Wall Thickness Check dialog box displays.
2. Enter the minimum wall thickness required.
The default minimum wall thickness is displayed according to the value defined in MDTools Options.
3. Select the required option for the wall thickness check.
4. Check
wall thickness as required:
Around all cavities, around selected cavities and/or between selected cavities.
5. Click Start Wall Thickness Check.
MDTools® checks the internal wall thickness between cavities and displays the list of cavities with wall thickness less than the specified value. All the cavities in the manifold are grayed out.
Wall Thickness Check Report
6. Select a row.
MDTools highlights the specified issues.
Displays Clearance List issue on single click
7. Double-click on row selection to zoom into the problem areas for each section.
8. Click
highlight particular sections issues.
9. Click
hide particular sections issues.
10. Click on the Clear Selection option to clear the highlighted issues.
11. Click
to view the report in a text file.
12. Click
to save the list a text file.
13. Enter an appropriate file name.
14. Click Save to save the list.
· Wall thickness between spot faces of two cavities is ignored in the wall thickness check.
· Other than the spot face to spot face clearance, clearance problems between the spot face of one cavity and other cavities in the manifold is listed separately.
Wall thickness between spot face
· MDTools lists the minimum wall thickness between the cavities.
· If a cavity is listed in the spot face clearance list, then it is possible that the wall thickness between other parts of cavities may also be less than the minimum value specified.
· Make sure that there is enough wall thickness around other parts of cavities before making any decision regarding the clearance issues listed in the spot face clearance list.