Insert Offset Hole

Insert an offset drill hole into an existing cavity on the manifold. Precisely locate the offset hole by entering the X and Y distance from the main cavity center.

1.     MDTools 965 > Offset

The MDTools Select Cavity dialog box displays.

2.     Select a cavity to insert the offset hole.

The Insert Offset Hole dialog box displays.

3.     Select the offset hole from the library.

4.     Enter X and Y distances from the parent cavity center.

MDTools® displays a preview of the drill hole at the specified location(s).

5.     Click OK.

MDTools inserts the offset hole into the selected cavity with the specified X and Y offset distances.

Offset hole inserted into the cavity


·       The depth of the offset hole is equal to the depth of the main cavity plus the standard depth of the offset cavity in the MDTools library.

·       The offset hole is constrained to the parent cavity by default.

·       To unconstrain the offset hole with the parent cavity, deselect the Constrained to Selected Cavity option.

·       Use X = 0 and Y = 0 to create a concentric hole.

·       The offset hole can only be placed within the drill boundary of the main cavity.