Generate Machining ID

The Machining ID command enables you to automatically generate machining IDs for all the cavities on the manifold based on the diameter or distance naming options, and one of the four alternative numbering options. You can select between upper and lower case alphabets for cavity machining IDs.

The Generate Machining ID command depends on the following.
- The naming option selected
- The naming (numbering) scheme selected
- The face on which the cavity is located

- Keep Existing Machining ID option selected


1.     MDTools 965 > Machining ID

The Generate Cavity Machining ID dialog box displays.


2.     Select Naming Scheme.

·     1, 2A, 2B, 2, 4…

·     1A, 1B, 2A1, 2A2, 2B…

·     AA, AB1, AB2, BA, BB…

·     101, 102, 201, 202, 203…

·  A1, A2, B1, B2, B3…

3.     Select the Group Identical Cavities option, if required.

4.     Use the Change Face Name option to configure the face name.

You can have Alphabetic or Numeric Face name.

MDTools® generates cavity-machining ID based on the selected option. The cavities on the different faces of the manifold are named in the default order of faces i.e.  A, B, C, D, E, and F.

5.     Select the Sort by option:

·    Diameter: Cavities with smaller diameters (in Step0 or Step12) are assigned smaller numbers. Cavities are sorted by diameter.

·    Distance: Cavities closer to the face origin point are assigned smaller numbers. Cavities are sorted by distance from the face origin

6.     Select the Keep Existing Machining ID option, if you want to retain an already existing assigned machining ID when a manifold is revised.

This option will be unavailable if:
Current naming scheme is different than last used naming scheme when a manifold is revised.
Face names are different than the last used face names to assign machining IDs when a manifold is revised.

7.     Click OK to generate cavity Machining ID.

Cavities can be named using four different naming schemes.