Edit All Cavity Parameters

View and change all the cavity dimensions and other parameters within SolidWorks.
You can also select a tool (Drill or Spot Face tool) from a tooling knowledge base.

1.     MDTools 965 > Edit

The Edit Cavity dialog box displays

2.     Click Edit All Parameters.

The Edit All Cavity Parameters dialog box displays showing all the parameters of the cavity.


3.     View the associated parameters and change the values, if required.

The Edit All Cavity Parameters dialog box shows:

·       Component ID

The default cavity ID is the same as the component ID.

·       Cavity Machining ID

The default ID is ‘?’.

·       Cavity Dimensions

Step0 through Step12 dimensions are editable.

·       Maximum Nose (Drill) Diameter

·       Machining Sequence

·       Cavity Inclination Angle (Alpha and Beta)

·       Thread Detail

·       Port Information

Only available for Cartridge valve cavities

·       Plug Detail

Only available for Port type cavities



·       You cannot add or remove a step in the cavity inside SolidWorks.

·  To add a step in a cavity, use the Add Drill command.
For example, to add another drill above the drill inStep12.