Copy Slot

1.     MDTools 965 > Copy

The MDTools Select Cavity dialog box displays.


2.     Select the slot you want to copy.

Copy Slot option selected by default.

3.     Enter the component ID for the new cavity/footprint.

4.     Enter the slot ID for the new slot.

5.     Select the Construction Port option when you use the new cavity as a construction port.

If this option selected, then MDTools® automatically assigns the component ID.

6.     Click OK.

The Specify Slot Location dialog box displays.


7.     Select the point on the manifold face where you want to insert the cavity and select connecting cavities.

MDTools displays a preview of the selected cavity at a selected point on the manifold.

8.     Enter the X and Y distance from the block origin.

9.     Modify slot dimensions.

Default value of slot diameter and slot width is the maximum drill diameter of parent cavity/2.

Slot diameter plus slot width should not be larger than the parent cavity maximum drill diameter.

10.  Modify the depth of the slot.

Default value is the parent cavity depth + 0.5 inches/12 mm.

11.  Select Orientation.

Select the orientation of the slot from the axis or center of the selected cavity.

12.  Click OK.

MDTools creates a copy of the selected slot with the parent cavity at the specified location.



·       If a slot on the origin of a footprint is selected, then the slot is copied with the footprint.

·       If a slot on a child cavity of a footprint is selected, then the Copy Slot command will be terminated.