Check Pressure Rating
Check the pressure rating of all construction ports (including SAE flanges used as construction ports).
1. MDTools 965 > Pressure Rating
The Pressure Rating Check dialog box displays.
2. Click Start.
lists all the construction ports which have lower pressure rating than
the net operating pressure of their respective nets.
All the cavities in manifold are grayed out.
3. Select a row.
MDTools highlights the specified issues.
4. Double-click row selection to zoom into the issue.
MDTools automatically zooms into the cavities for
cross ports below net operating pressure and ports without rated pressure
MDTools automatically zooms into the nets for Nets without operating pressure
5. Clickto highlight
particular sections issues.
6. Clickto hide
particular sections issues.
7. Click the Clear Selection option to clear the highlighted issues.
8. Click
view the report as a text file.
9. Click
save the list as a text file.
The Save As dialog box displays.
Check Pressure Rating report contains three sections.
Ports rated below Net Operating Pressure:
Lists all construction ports that have lower rated pressure than Net
operating pressure.
without Operating Pressure specified:
Lists all the nets that do not have Operating pressure value or the value
is 0.
ports without Rated Pressure specified:
Lists all the construction ports which do not have the pressure value or
the value is 0.
· If you have not specified, the unit in the Max. Pressure section of Plug Detail in the Edit All Cavity Parameter dialog box, then MDTools takes default unit from the unit specified in the Net information section in the Cavity Browser > Net Information section.
· If the unit is also specified with value in the Max. Pressure section of the Plug Detail and the unit is different to the unit defined in the Cavity Browser > Net information section, then MDTools converts the value to the current unit (specified in the Cavity Browser Net tab) to compare pressure values.
· If Design Unit in MDTools Options is Inch, then the default Pressure unit is “psi”.
· If Design Unit in MDTools Options is Millimeter, then the default Pressure unit is “bar”.
Plug Detail in Edit All Cavity Parameter dialog box
Net Information on Nets Browser