Change Color

Change the color of nets, bolt holes and locating pins, dead areas in ports, and cartridge valve cavities.

1.     Click the Color button.

The Color dialog box displays.


4.     Select the required color from the Color dialog box:

·     Click A screenshot of a social media post  Description generated with very high confidence the Color button to change the net color of a selected net.

·     Click A screenshot of a social media post  Description generated with very high confidence the Bolt Hole & Locating Pins Color button to change the color of bolt holes and locating pins.

·     Click A screenshot of a social media post  Description generated with very high confidence the Dead Area Color button to change the color of dead areas in cavities.

5.     Click OK.

MDTools® automatically updates the color and the net display.



You can also change the default Net colors from MDTools Options.