Compare Manifolds

Compare two selected manifolds.

MDTools checks all the relevant manifold properties, such as dimensions, material and components like cavities, footprints, engravings etc. and then lists all the differences.

1.      MDTools 790 ribbon  >  Block panel  >  Compare Manifolds

The Compare Manifolds dialog box displays.

2.      Select two manifolds to compare.

Manifold A: By default, the current manifold displays.

3.      Select a different manifold, if required.


Parameters Includes these optional parameters in the report along with the fixed sections.

Cavity Geometry

Compares all the cavity steps including Step0 and Step12 dimensions and port dimensions.

If unselected, then MDTools will not include Cavity geometry in the report.


Compares engravings. The section included in the report are,

·    Missing engravings in Manifold A

·    Missing engravings in Manifold B

·    \Modified engravings

·    Renamed engravings

·    Moved engravings

Component ID

Shows all the cavities name as component ID.

Machining ID

Shows all the cavities name as machining ID.

4.      Click Start.

Report displays in the Report section.

5.      Click , to save the list.

The Save As dialog box displays.

6.      Enter an appropriate file name and click Save.