Show Origin & Axes

Automatically display the face origin and X/Y direction of each face in the 2D drawing.

MDTools 785 ribbon  >  Display panel  >  Origin & Axes


MDTools® displays the face origin & axis direction in each drawing view according to the drawing projection angle.

The face origin is marked by a half-filled circle and the axis direction is indicated by an arrow and X, Y, Z axis notation.
This is created inside a single sketch in a view.

The face origin and axis direction in a view moves together when you drag the view position.

To move an origin and axis, drag the origin and axis to the desired location.



If 2D views are created manually, then use the following naming convention for the manifold views.

Top           A
Front         B
Bottom      C
Left           D
Right         E
Back         F

The Show Origin & Axes command will not work if you do not use the view names,
per naming conventions.