Check Bend

Check the design for quality of intersection for Energy Efficient connections.
For bend and stretched connections, it recommends depth to achieve smooth and trimmed connection.

Single click a row in the report to locate any issue on the manifold.
Double click a row in the report to zoom the problem area on the manifold.

Select the appropriate Design Check option in MDTools Settings to locate any issue.
The Highlight Selected Cavities option is the default, selected in MDTools Settings.


1.      MDTools 785 ribbon  >  Check panel  >  Bend

The Check Bend dialog box displays the cavity, connecting cavity, current depth, and recommended depth.


2.      Select the check box for each cavity.

The selected cavity gets highlighted in the model.

3.      Click the All button to select all the affected cavities.

Note: The All button turns None when all items are selected.

4.      Select a row.

MDTools highlights specified issues.

5.      Click Clear Selection to clear the highlighted issues.

6.      Click Update.

The recommended depth is applied to the current depth and the affected rows turn green.

Check Bend dialog box –Current and Recommended Depth equalized



Select Depth to Tip to view the depth till the drill tool tip.

Double click a reported issue row to zoom into the problem area/cavity.