Assemble Component

Automatically assemble all the components on a manifold.

MDTools® automatically creates all the required constraints and assembles the components at the correct location. MDTools automatically resolves/updates the existing assembled CAD models (e.g. Cavity face changed, cavity deleted, moved, suppressed etc.)


1.      Create a new assembly drawing (.iam) and place the manifold into the assembly drawing using the Place Component command in Inventor.

2.      MDTools 785 ribbon > Assemble panel > Component


If there is no manifold placed in the assembly, MDTools shows a Message box to check if you want to place a manifold in the assembly.

3.      Click Yes.

The Place Component dialog box displays.

4.      Select a component.

MDTools automatically places the selected component in the assembly drawing.
The Assembly Interface dialog box displays.

MDTools displays the component IDs of all the cavities in the dialog box.
The Status column shows the status of component assembled for that cavity.