Manage Engravings

Create planer sketch text, representing text engraving on the manifold.
Automatically convert client graphics text (if they exist) to planer sketch text.

1.      MDTools 775 ribbon  >  Engravings panel drop-down  >  Manage

The Manage Engravings dialog box displays.


2.      Select the cavity.

MDTools® display the component ID of the selected cavity as the default text.
Change the engravings, if required.

Engraving Tab

3.   Select the Location button.
The engravings can be precisely relocated using the X and Y location scroll bars.

4.      Select the text rotation.

The default text rotation is 0 degrees.

5.      Enter the text height.

The default text height is 0.2 in inches and
5 in millimeters.

6.      Enter Depth of Cut.

The default depth of the cut is 0.4 in inches and
1 in millimeters.

7.      Select Cosmetic to create texts without depth on the manifold.

Otherwise, the text is engraved on the manifold face.
The Cosmetic option is selected by default.

8.      Click Font Style.

You can change the font type and font style (Regular/Italic/Bold/Bold Italic) for the engravings.

The Font dialog box with default styles is displayed.
Font   Arial   Style  Regular   Size   8


Planer Sketch text representing engraved text on manifold

9.  Click Engrave.

MDTools creates and displays the planer sketch text or engraved text at the selected location.
Repeat the above steps to create all the text engraving on the manifold.