Delete Cavity

The MDTools® cavity consists of multiple Inventor features; the Delete Cavity command enables you to automatically delete the complete cavity/footprint. All the features used to create the cavity/footprint are automatically deleted.

1.      MDTools 775 ribbon > Modify panel > Delete Cavity drop-down > Delete Cavity

The Delete Cavity dialog box displays.

2.      Select cavities/footprints you want to delete.

When you move the cursor over a cavity, it gets highlighted. This indicates the selected cavities/footprints for deleting.

3.      Click OK.

MDTools deletes all the features used to create cavities/footprints in Inventor along with engravings, if selected.


§  If you select Delete Complete Footprint, then the complete footprint is deleted.

§  Footprint engravings are deleted only when the Delete Complete Footprint option is selected.

Delete a Single Cavity from a Footprint

To delete a single cavity from a footprint, use the Delete Cavity option on the MDTools Cavities browser context menu.

1.      Select the cavity from the MDTools Cavities browser.

2.      Right-click the selected cavity.

The context menu displays.

3.      Click Delete Cavity from the context menu.

MDTools deletes the selected cavity from the footprint.