The Connection feature checks:
- Interference between Working Area on one cavity and Dead Area on another
- Interference between Dead Area on one cavity and Dead Area on another
- Unconnected cavities/ports of cavities
- Broken nets
- Wrong connection inside a manifold
- Poor Connection
If the design net names of two connected cavities or cavity ports are different, MDTools® lists the connection as a wrong connection, assuming net information in all the cavities is correct.
Single click a row in the report to locate any issue
on the manifold.
Double click a row in the report to zoom the problem area on the manifold.
Select the appropriate Design Check option in MDTools Settings to locate
any issue.
The Highlight Selected Cavities option is the default, selected in MDTools
1. MDTools 775 ribbon > Check panel > Connection drop-down > Connection
The Connectivity Check dialog box displays.
2. Select the Include Poor Connection option to add a new section, Poor Connection, in the report.
If the area of the connection is less than the area of the cross-section of smaller diameter hole in the connection, then this connection is listed in this section with approximate % of intersection area.
3. Click Start.
MDTools checks the manifold for the following design
Interference between Working Area or Dead Area in one or more cavities,
unconnected cavities or ports of cavities, broken nets, or wrong connections
inside a manifold.
Connection Check List
4. Select a row.
MDTools highlights the specified issues.
5. Click
highlight specified section issues.
6. Click
hide specified section issues.
7. Click Clear Selection to clear the highlighted issues.
8. Click
save the list.
The Save As dialog box displays.
9. Enter an appropriate file name.
10. Click Save.
§ The Wrong Connections list of cavities indicate that either the net name entered in the cavity is wrong, or the cavities have been incorrectly connected.
§ If quick connectivity shows any error, fix the error and recheck the manifold.
§ Repeat until the check confirms that all errors are resolved.
§ Double click a reported issue row to zoom into the problem area/cavity.
§ Broken Nets list indicates that nets are assigned to one or more ports and the net is unconnected.