Check the manifold design against the HyDraw® schematic.
This feature enables you to check the manifold
- Missing component and ports
- Extra component and ports
- Wrong cavity
- Non-preferred construction ports
- Cavities on non-preferred face
- Wrong net name
- Wrong flow
- Wrong port type
Single click a row in the report to locate any issue
on the manifold.
Double click a row in the report to zoom into the problem area on manifold.
Select the appropriate Design Check option in MDTools
Settings to locate any issue.
The Highlight Selected Cavities option is the default, selected in MDTools
1. MDTools 775 ribbon > Check panel > Check Conformance to Schematic
The Check Conformance to Schematic dialog box displays.
2. Click Start.
MDTools® checks the manifold design against the HyDraw schematic.
3. Select
a row
MDTools highlights the specified issues.
4. Click to highlight specified section issues.
5. Click to hide specified section issues.
6. Click Clear Selection to clear the highlighted issues.
7. Click Save in text file to save the list.
8. Enter an appropriate file name in the Save as dialog box.
9. Click Save.
Conformance to Schematic Report Contains the following sections:
Missing Components and Ports section
Lists components and ports not inserted in the design or deleted from the design.
Extra Components and Ports section
Lists any additional components and ports inserted in the design, which is not specified in the schematic.
Wrong Cavity section
Lists wrong (different cavity name) cavities used in the design.
Cavities on Non-Preferred Face section
Lists cavities placed on a face that is not preferred in the schematic interface.
Non-Preferred Construction Ports section
Lists non-preferred construction ports that is not listed in the schematic interface, but used in the design.
Wrong Net Name section
Lists cavities and ports which have net name different than the one specified in the schematic.
Wrong Flow section
Lists cavities/ports having different flow than the one specified in the schematic.
Wrong Port Type section
Lists cavities/ports having different port type than the value specified in the schematic.
§ Check Conformance to Schematic command does not validate the mounting hole information.
§ Double click a row in the report to zoom into the problem area/cavity.