1. Click Import.
The Import Model Data from Excel dialog box displays.
2. Browse and select the Excel file with the model data.
The program populates the Select sheet to import the drop-down list with the sheet names.
3. Select the sheet you want to import.
4. Select the Import options.
Select the Add new models option or
Select the Update existing models option to update the properties in the HyDraw library.
5. Click Next to continue.
The Select columns to import page displays with a list of columns in the selected sheet.
6. Select the My data has headers option, if there are headers for columns in the Excel sheet.
The column names in the list changes to the column headers.
7. Click Next to continue.
The Map Properties section appears with the list of columns selected to import.
· Use the Select All option to select all the items in the list.
This is a toggle button. When you click on the button, the text will toggle ‘Select All/None’.
· The last used columns are selected by default, the next time you run the command.
The Column name for HyDraw property mapping will be saved in the library and equivalent properties will be assigned automatically, the next time you run the command.
If the mapping information is not available in the library, then the program will automatically assign the equivalent property, if the column name is same as the property name.
8. Select the My data contains component types option.
9. Click to select the column containing the component types.
Use this option, if you have component types available in the Excel sheet for each model.