Insert from Parts List

Insert symbols from Parts List in Excel.

Note: Each item in the Parts list is identified by its unique model code. Therefore, Parts list must contain a model code for each item in the list.


1.     Select Circuit > From Parts List > Insert Symbol on the HyDraw® CAD ribbon menu.

The Insert Symbol from Parts List dialog box displays.

2.     Enter the Part list starting row at option and the Model Code column number.

3.     Click Browse...

The Select Parts List Excel file dialog box displays.

4.     Select the required Excel file containing the Parts list and click Open.

Contents of the Excel file are displayed.

5.   Type Model Code column number in the text box, if it is not automatically entered.

6.     Select the models and click Insert or Insert All to insert all the symbols in the drawing.

Linked Symbols dialog box displays when multiple symbols are linked to the selected model.