
HyDraw® CAD 2020 is easy to use. It works seamlessly with its own ribbon menu. HyDraw symbols are located quickly by navigating logically structured menus. Sets of related symbols are shown together and any required symbol can be inserted into the drawing by drag-and-drop method or double-click on a symbol. Insert generic symbols or model code specific component symbols into the library. Edit parametric properties of the inserted symbols, when needed.


HyDraw Library

The HyDraw library accommodates a wide range of simple and complex graphical component symbols, and schematic diagrams covering both Industrial and Mobile Hydraulics. Designed in accordance with ISO1219-1:2012, Fluid Power Systems and Components - Graphic Symbols and Circuit Diagrams - Part 1: Graphic Symbols for Conventional Use and Data Processing Applications. A few percentile deviations from ISO standard necessitated keeping in view the large variants of symbols and customer base. The HyDraw library includes both Slip-in and Screw-in Cartridge valves and associated symbols for manifold design circuits.


Smart Symbols

HyDraw symbols are created using primitive shapes, such as lines, polylines, rectangles, squares, circles, circular arcs, ellipsis. They represent components with specified functions or method of operation in the de-energized (at rest) position, or component specific rule that do not have a clearly defined de-energized position. A pool of ISO specified primitive shapes are included in the library to help you design your own generic symbols. HyDraw symbols also include port identification and port numbering, which is essential for manifold design.


ISO guidelines

VEST has adhered to ISO guidelines of Module System (1Module = 2 Millimeter), where the symbol fits into a grid and presents a symmetry. The use of layer properties for assigning ISO defined color to Supply line, Return line, Pilot line, Drain line, Envelope line, and Flow direction exhibits appealing color graphics, which help in instant understanding of the operational aspect of the component. Layer properties are also utilized for naming ports, positions and solenoids. (both US and European pattern)



Save time and effort with the new and powerful HyDraw CAD 2020 Search from library command. Search general or OEM specific symbols and circuits from www.FluidPowerTools.com.



HyDraw helps standardization and teamwork. Multiple users within a local area network can share a common HyDraw library. This enhances productivity of the design and engineering team.



Customize HyDraw to your specific need using the library and data management console. Save custom components data with symbols tagged to a specific model code and relevant OEM catalog data.



OEM-specific circuit design with Parts List from component properties held in the library make the software very productive.

Net List creation, Manifold Cost estimation and interface to FluidPowerTools.com enable significant cost and time-savings.


Work Smart! Use HyDraw today.