MDTools 965 SP1 Build:965.0.1.5 Applicability: MDTools 965 1. The Mounting Holes command inserts bolt holes without default text placeholder (?) for Machining ID. 2. On adding orifice to a footprint drill, Schematic check displays incorrect report. 3. Automatic assembly of accessories not working for HyDraw CAD Schematic. 4. License Borrow message for no licenses improved. 5. Wrong rotation for Footprint at insertion in a specific case. 6. Replace cavity command should not remember the last used selection. 7. Charts do not show border. 8. Block: Export and Import with O-ring gives errors. 9. Wrong inclination displayed in the Preview when moving an inclined cavity. 10. Selection issues with few commands in specific cases. 11. During first install and run of Create Drawing command, if Machining Chart settings are not defined, error displays. 12. Drill Chart creation takes a long time. 13. Additional drawing views and 'Options' selected, error displays. 14. Editing Concentric Undercuts displays error. 15. In the Drawing view, engraving text is not centered in the text box. 16. Minimize Depth breaks nets in case of concentric connections. 17. Insert Undercut display error in a specific case. 18. In the Drawing view, Cosmetic engravings sometimes get flipped. 19. LS depth not updated in Match properties. 20. Constraint cavity for adjacent faces does not work. 21. When inserting cavity, unable to highlight text by double clicking in the Component ID field. 22. Change face does not work with Insert Cavity. 23. Blank message displays when trying to edit unconverted MDTools Essential block. 24. Unable to rotate a footprint without an enveloipe. 25. Running Connection check with the highlighted errors, locks the views. 26. Undercut not included when net is recolored from the Net Information box. 27. Difference in precision between Drawing Dimension and Machining Chart. 28. Unable to enter negative values in X and Y text boxes after changing the Reference axis. 29. When copying an engraved text, depth of cut changes. 30. In Virtual mode, incorrect Drill Depth is displayed when selecting a Sun cavity. 31. In Virtual mode, O-ring groove and slot get deleted on rotating a footprint. 32. In the exported Machining Chart, there is an additional decimal separator between Height and Width values. 33. Block Parameters (Width x Height) swapped in the exported Machining Chart. 34. Incorrect error message displays when using the Move and Move Multiple commands. 35. When the Poor Connections List option is selected, Design Check reports false Wall Thickness error in specific cases. 36. Converting from Virtual to Feature mode, the inclined drill gets an incorrect inclination. 37. Exporting and Importing the mbxml file causes the Step 2 of Bolt Hole to move to Step 12. 38. In the exported mbxml file, cutout and chamfer details are incorrect. 39. For a new block, generating Machining ID with the Keep Existing ID option selected displays error. 40. On converting a block, rotated footprint creates duplicate drills and changes drill location. Date: Apr 16, 2019. Note: The Hotfixes listed below are included in the SP1 Service Pack. MDTools 965 Hotfix 03 Applicability: MDTools 965 Issue Addressed: Need to get the MDTools license when SOLIDWORKS was abruptly terminated in previous session. Date: Dec 29, 2018. MDTools 965 Hotfix 02 Applicability: MDTools 965 Issue Addressed: Create Machining Drawing (Part Model Menu) or Machining Chart (Drawing Menu) causes instability, when using Part (Block) without generating Machining ID. Date: Dec 14, 2018. MDTools 965 Hotfix 01 Applicability: MDTools 965 Issue Addressed: The Resize Block command automatically stretches the depth of bolt holes for footprints and irrelevant faces. Date: Nov 28, 2018.